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Showing results 1 - 10 of 70

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Embedding a novel screening programme for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia and gonorrhoea) within an ambulatory emergency surgical assessment unit: an observational cohort study
Divolka Ganesh, Ciara Mahon, Sian Jones, Helen Please, Michael Hughes, Adam Peckham-Cooper

27 June 2024

Describing the effect of COVID-19 on sexual and healthcare-seeking behaviours of men who have sex with men in three counties in Kenya: a cross-sectional study
Souradet Y Shaw, Jeffery C S Biegun, Stella Leung, Shajy Isac, Helgar K Musyoki, Mary Mugambi, Japheth Kioko, Janet Musimbi, Kennedy Olango, Samuel Kuria, Martin K Ongaro, Jeffrey Walimbwa, Faran Emmanuel, James Blanchard, Michael PicklesSee the full list of authors

4 July 2024

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