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Epidemiological impact of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis screening in men having sex with men: a modelling study
Julien Flaig, Laurent Hocqueloux, Romain Palich, Lise Cuzin, Olivier Robineau, Pascal Pugliese, Cyrille Delpierre, Nicolas Voirin, Laurent Cotte, , Dat'AIDS Study Group, C. Chirouze, K. Bouiller, F. Bozon, AS. BrunelSee the full list of authors

24 May 2024

Characteristics and rates of infection by HIV in people receiving non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP) against HIV
Irene Carrillo, Marta López de las Heras, Silvia Calpena Martínez, Laura Prieto-Pérez, Beatriz Álvarez Álvarez, Aws Waleed Al-Hayani, José Izuzquiza Suarez-Inclan, Sara Lumbreras Fernandez, Patricia Quesada Luengo, María Elia Asensi Diaz, Marina Bernal Palacios, Paula Asensio Mathews, Barbara Soler Bonafont, Raquel Bravo Ruiz, Marta Hernández-SeguradoSee the full list of authors

13 May 2024

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